Top Sledding And Tubing Spots on the South Shore, Massachusetts - Ultimate Sledding Guide!

Chemung Hill - Stoughton, MA 1985
Chemung Hill - Stoughton, MA 1985

The sledding season is almost here! Soon children will be will dusting off their sleds and Clark Griswold will be applying his non chloric silicon based kitchen lubricant that will make the surface of his sled surface 500 times slipperier than any cooking oil! In preparation for this, we've compiled a list of the best sledding locations on the south shore of Massachusetts. So get that hot chocolate ready enjoy! What are you favorite sledding locations? Please leave a comment below with your favs! 

4. Strawberry Valley Golf Course - 164 Washington St, Abington - The Strawberry Valley Golf Course off Washington Street is a winter destination for families across the region. On a trip to the Abington golf course, you'll find people sledding and tubing, snowboarding and cross-country skiing. The best hill is not far from the parking lot off Route 18, at the second hole. There's a small hill for the little kids when you first walk in to the left but if you have older kids you can walk straight ahead and then go to the right for the big hill!

8. Widow's Walk - 250 Driftway, Scituate - Widows Walk is a town owned golf course in Scituate that attracts many hearty sledders when the snow falls. The slopes are mostly gentle and long, and getting to them does require some trekking, but once there on a ridge, one only needs to climb back up the incline to get in a good ride. There are some very steep hills located on the course, but these require significant hiking through snow, so please be very careful if you decide to embark on this type of adventure.

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